Your whole life in Sunila
Paavo Alava got familiar with multiple apartments in Sunila during his career. While studying, he lived as an intern in a “bachelor box” in Kivelä. After finding a stable job, he and his family moved to Runkola. As Alava continued his career, the family moved to Rantala and finally to Kantola. Alava was the last CEO to live in Kantola.
The spirit of the 1950s and high quality design were ever present in the photographs Paavo Alava took himself.
Paavo Alava with his family in their apartment in Runkola 1954.
Juurela and Runkola
The Juurela and Runkola blocks, completed in 1954, represent postwar state subsidised housing production. The west facades are dominated by vertical, limewashed brick walls and horizontal balcony rails built from concrete elements. There is a variety of different types of flats in different sizes.