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Sunila — A trailblazer of modernism
Sunila, the grand project of Alvar Aalto was mostly built in 1936-1939. It comprised the pulp mill built on the island of Pyötinen and a residential area for the workers and their families. Aalto got to adapt the principles of functionalism to suit his own perspectives in the design of both the pulp mill and the residential area. Sunila became a coherent and functioning entity according to the plans of Aalto. The residential area was ahead of its time and its impact can be seen in many post-war suburbs.
Aerial view of Sunila before the pulp mill. In the foreground is the island of Pyötinen, on which the factory was built.. © Sunila Oy:n arkisto.
A neighbourhood association by the name of Pro Sunila was founded in 2000 and it operates in the area with the purpose of finding the means necessary to make this gem of functionalist architecture shine anew in the 21st century.
The built heritage
The Sunila pulp mill and residential area are included in the list of built cultural heritage sites of national significance of the Finnish Heritage Agency here. They have also been chosen as one of the important pieces of modern architecture listed by Docomomo International. The town plan from 1987 contains regulations that aim to preserve the area. Sunila constantly raises interest in professionals looking into architectural culture and common folk alike. Over the years, Sunila has been the target of many studies, analyses, projects, diplomas and plans for protecting the area. Some of them are displayed on this site.
Diploma and student themes/in Finnish
Sunilan vanha lämpökeskus ja sen lähiympäristö
Valliniemen lämpökeskuksen rakennushistorialli-
nen selvitys, ajantasamittaus ja ajantasapiirtäminen sekä rakennuksen uusi käyttömahdollisuussuunnitelma.
Diplomityön tekijä: Kari Mustonen
Tarkastaja: professori Tore Tallqvist
Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Arkkitehtuurin laitos – 2009
Tehtaan kupeessa, mäntyjen katveessa
Sunilan asuinalueen lähiympäristön kunnostamisen periaatteet.
Diplomityön tekijä: Milla Aho
Valvoja: professori Tom Simons
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Arkkitehtiosasto/ Maisema-arkkitehtuuri – 2003
Maintenance instructions for the Sunila area
The maintenance instructions for the Sunila area give insight into how structures in Sunila should be maintained and managed so that the integrity of the architectural history isn’t compromised. First the history of Sunila and the common features and values are narrated. In the instructional part every building component is addressed separately. The last section focuses on spatial changes. Additionally the manual includes information on all buildings or groups of buildings. In the attachment on apartments there are suggestions for floor plans for reforming the kitchen and bathroom spaces and combining apartments.